Clue Period Tracker


Clue Period Tracker La description

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Clue Period Tracker

Clue Period Tracker is a great app that will help you predict your menstrual cycle, fertile window, and PMS. This app comes with a broad variety of choices that will help you discover connections in your mood and your cycle. 

The best feature about this app is its simple and smooth interface. It's very simple to know where you're at in your current cycle and see several other interesting details. You can also add any information you want to today's date with just a single tap.

This app also allows you to write down information about your sexual relations, mood, consumption of alcohol and other drugs, appetite, and type of bleeding. Doing these steps is as easy as tapping the similar icon.

You can use the Clue to:

-So that you will identify when your next period is coming.

-You will get notifications before your next period, PMS and fertile window.

-You can see the different patterns of your cycle.

-You can easily track sex, moods, pain, cervical fluid, birth control pills and many more.

-You can connect with partners, friends, and family to talk about the about menstrual health.

Clue Period Tracker is one of the coolest apps when it comes to predicting your period or keeping track of it. With its comfortable interface and a huge number of features, it's considered one of today's best options by many.  It's also known to be the top free menstrual tracking app by Obstetrics & Gynecology, a well-known publisher of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

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