English with Lingualeo


English with Lingualeo La description

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English with Lingualeo

English with Lingualeo is a free interactive service designed for learning and practicing English created especially for your Android device that both suitable for adults and kids. 

With this app, you will learn new words and be able to train in the most unusual places like an endless line to the doctor, miles-long traffic jam, or a very boring lecture at your university. You need to make use of your time efficiently, and you will see your results in just one month. 

In this app, you will also have a smart pet named Leo that will show you what to do via the jungle of English. You can have fun playing games and learn English at the same time. 

English with Lingualeo Features

This app will serve as your personal dictionary with individual associations, transcription and audio pronunciation for each word. 

-Features a thematic glossary with visual associations. 

-Features a very effective training such as translation of words, word builder, listening. 

-Features the possibility to pick one of the best translations or to add your own English word. 

-You can monitor your progress of learning English in real time. 

-Comes with server synchronization and the capability to work offline. 

-Features a user-friendly interface and excellent technical support. 

-You can learn English for free. 

English with Lingualeo is for Android and is a great addition to the web version of Lingualeo.com that includes even more features to learn and practice English in a much better way. The app boasts more than 10,500,000 users worldwide. 

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