

SkillTwins La description

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SkillTwins Football is a football game where you take control Josef and Jakob, two young and exceptionally talented players. Your goal is to defeat a circuit full of difficulties and obstacles, not to mention your rivals, and you'll need to walk your way around them to obtain access to the penalty area. All you need to do is shoot and score in the game, but in other situations, you'll have to hit a specific target to win. 

System controls in the game are relatively accurate. With virtual button control located at the left, you'll be able to manage each players' moves, while with the right side controller, you'll be able to control over a dozen various special sidesteps. Also, at any time you'll be able to try out which sidesteps are possible to each player. 

As you pass each level and boost the number of coins at your disposal, you will be able to unlock new features and content. Select from new shirts, new shoes, new hairstyles and even new balls for all of your players. None of these accessories develop their playing skills and add a unique flair to every match. 

SkillTwins Football is a unique and exciting soccer game. Its accurate controls, and exciting gameplay makes it non-stop fun game. The game also incorporates the option to play in many various scenarios like a training camp, the beach, an urban cityscape and many more.

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