The Killbox: Arena Combat


The Killbox: Arena Combat La description

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The Killbox: Arena Combat

Killbox is a combat mobile game that features new maps, impressive weapons, and a new elite competition system.

The game is an FPS that will bring you back to the days when you loved and played Counter Strike and CrossFire. Here, you'll be engaged in a world filled with war, and you need to do your best to make your team victorious. With highly polished visuals and thrilling scenery, this game gives players hours and hours of absolute fun. 

The game takes place in the real-time world, and you will have to particularly be careful to avoid enemy traps and make every shot not to succumb to their fast marksmanship. For you to become a legendary shooter and stand as a rebellion, upgrading your weaponry and armory are necessary, but this essential element will only happen if you play every level just right. 

In terms of every match, you will see your teammate's health levels on your screen. Anytime they will need your help, and you should be there to rescue them. Each level includes six players on each team, that way the winner will be decided based on who gets more points during every match. 

The Killbox: Arena Combat also features another great option where your teammates join the undead whenever they die during the war. So you will have to protect yourself from the zombie versions of your former teammates. You will enjoy this multiplayer game where you take on of all types of rivals and the undead.

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