Trivia for The Simpsons


Trivia for The Simpsons La description

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Trivia for The Simpsons

Trivia for The Simpsons gameplay is pretty simple. You just need to choose your character piece to roll a dice and move around collecting Buzz cards or answering trivia questions for buzz cards. You can collect certain card groups, turn them in for donuts, collect donuts, and you win. 

The minimum number of buzz cards needed is 3, and this gives you one donut you can go up to 5 buzz cards for three donuts. By the rules of the game, it only takes seven donuts to win, which is pretty easy to achieve.  

There are a few spots on the board that allow you to steal donuts from other players which are one the most enjoyable part of the game. You moved the number up to ten or higher just to continue the game. There are also a few spots that make you lose a donut as well to keep the game going.

The art is standard Simpson's art. The cards and pieces are cheaply made flimsy and weak. Other than that it’s a fun game, but if you're searching for more than a quick and simple one, this game is the right one for you. 

Also, this game is very easy to learn. What makes this one stand out is all the questions came from the fans around the world, making it have some of the toughest Simpsons trivia questions.

What makes Trivia for The Simpsons more enjoyable to play is that it got a board and points beyond the basic trivia questions to the game.

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